The Basics of Ketosis
With this diet, your goal is to eat low carbohydrate.
What we’re going for with your dietary breakdown of fats, carbs, and proteins is this.
- Carbohydrate 5% (This is only 20 to 50 grams a day—ideally, the lower the carbs, the more fat you’ll burn).
- Fat-75%
- Protein: 15%
What we want to do overall is bring your carbs way, way, way down there.
Why? This is because in the presence of carbs (and sugar), we raise insulin.
In the presence of insulin, you will not burn fat.
Sugar, carbs, and insulin inhibit weight loss and cause fat storage at every turn.
So, any diet that manipulates carbohydrates and brings those down will help you lose weight.
Ketosis= the state of fat burning.
You’re running your body and brain on ketones, which is fat fuel, and you’re now longer running your body on sugar fuel.
To switch over from your sugar brain over to fat burning, we want to lower insulin because insulin is a fat storage hormone.
It’s the thing that makes you fat, period.
So bring the carbs WAY DOWN there.
That is our basic goal behind everything we’re doing.
Ketosis: How to Do it Correctly
So what do I eat?
Breakfast: Protein and fat.
You can do egg, bacon, avocado, turkey bacon.
I like hormone-free, sugar-free, nitrate-free bacon, which has a little more fat and helps me go to dinner with no problem.
I make a big 4 egg omelet with bacon and you can add in cheese or snack on some fatty nuts with breakfast, whatever you want.
In general, the more fat you add at this meal, the longer you can go without another meal and you’ll go more into insulin suppressing fat burning mode.
Fat helps keep you from getting hungry. This is why I stress adding it so much at the first meal, in case you want to try to go until dinner without eating, really suppress insulin, and burn more fat all day.
For Lunch:
A combination of three things.
Vegetables: a big salad—eat this first. Protein – 3 to 6 ounces—the more fatty your protein the better as very lean proteins or too much protein will trigger insulin.
So you can use 80% fat hamburger, grass fed—80% --this is what I use and it keeps me from getting hungry.
You can also do fatty fish like salmon, which is very good for you—as long as its not farm raised. You want fresh caught fish always.
And fat—maybe some pecans, almonds, or a little avocado.
You can eat your salad first and then see how hungry you are for everything else, or add the other ingredients to the salad.
For Dinner:
Same thing –vegetable, protein, a little fat.
How to Speed Up Weight Loss More
Normally on ketosis diet they allow snacks as long as they’re protein or fat—but what I’m going to introduce you to that will help you lose weight even faster is intermittent fasting.
We’re going no snacking.
By going without snacks, you can go more into fat-burning mode between meals.
We’re not going to have anything between meals—nothing. Go with beverages that don’t spike insulin during this time as well—water, lemon water, coffee . . .
And, if at some point, you want to add more fat and go from breakfast to dinner without eating, you can go into more fat burning.
This is a great option for those who aren’t working out as well.
This is combining ketosis with intermittent fasting and it works great for fast weight loss.
Now, it takes 2 to 6 weeks to get into ketosis. How will you know when you’re there? You’ll lose all your cravings. What will happen is your body will start making new enzymes to start digesting fat and your whole weight loss will skyrocket—you’ll be so successful you’ll never look back.
Ketosis: Tweaks
I also will explain more about what kind of fats and carbs we want to be eating.
- At this point, we want no snacking in between meals.
Snacking will spike insulin and take you out of ketosis.
- Make sure you’re eating a lot of vegetables carbohydrate only.
A lot of ketogenic diets will not stress this enough. A lot of them just say 20-50 carbs without explaining what kind of carbs are ideal.
But I want to stress that you only want vegetables carbohydrate here.
I also want to stress the importance of 7-10 cups of greens or other vegetables because we need that potassium to avoid cravings and fatigue and we need vegetables, period, because we do not want to get a FATTY LIVER.
Why? When you’re burning up lots of fat, all this fat is being flushed through the liver and we need these vegetables to counteract that fat.
Vegetables will not take you out of ketosis.
You don’t even necessarily have to count your vegetable carbohydrate unless you’re doing a lot of starchy veggies, which I don’t recommend if you want to lose weight.
- The importance of fats and adjusting your fats
When you look up the ketogenic diet, a lot of times these diets will say that you can eat all kinds of fat—unlimited fat—but if you’re not used to all this fat you can overload the liver and gallbladder and get lots of bloating and other digestive issues.
So I want you to go easy with the fats, adding them slowly into the diet to the degree that you can comfortably go from one meal to the next without hunger and without any gastrointestinal distress of any kind.
What kind of fat should you add?
It can be a handful of nuts, pecans for example. It could be 3-4 ounces of cheese, such as Brie, which I love. It could be a half of an avocado or a whole avocado.
So those are some things you want to be concentrating on as you go about trying to get into ketosis to lose ultimate fat.
Ketosis: The Issue of Side Effects
This is an important blog because you need to know about side effects that may occur with the ketogenic diet. And side effects will occur because you’re basically turning your body into a fatburning machine.
The issue is that when you start running your body on fat fuel after years of running on sugar fuel, a lot of stuff can come up in the body because your body has to develop whole new cellular machinery and new digestive enzymes.
Not only can that take a while, in the process you can get issues like
- The Keto Flu 2. Fatigue 3. Constipation 4. A Keto Rash
Let’s discuss each one so you can minimize side effects.
- The Keto Flu
With the keto flu, you’re really suffering from electrolyte depletion.
Why? When you switch from sugar to fat burning you won’t retain fluid anymore, and with all the fluid you lose potassium, magnesium and you’ll also need more B vitamins to run your body on fat.
What you want is a very good electrolyte. I have my own electrolyte powder and I’ll put a link to it below.
You also want to get B vitamins from nutritional yeast.
Take a teaspoon of that and take some electrolytes and that will clean up those symptoms quickly.
- Fatigue
The same thing—you need electrolytes and B vitamins to give you energy. Yes, make sure to get B6 but I just recommend the whole complex in a food base versus an individual synthetic in that nutritional yeast. That will clean up fatigue or keto flu.
- Constipation
This usually happens when you ‘re increasing too much fiber or not having enough fiber. With the constipation either you increase or decrease the amount of vegetables you’re consuming.
If you’re doing like 10 cups of vegetables and you’ve never done that before, cut that down a bit and it will go away. If you’re not doing enough vegetables, add more.
You also may need bile salts or the Gall Bladder Formula.
Bile helps lubricate the colon, since you’re dumping a lot of fat – and you may lack enough bile to dump all these fat.
- A Keto Rash
This is caused by a lot of fat coming out of the body because you don’t have a strong enough gall bladder to flush out this fat and that’s creating a high level of histamine in the body.
This is a lack of gall bladder support and I recommend either bile salts or the Gall Bladder for this.
What’s happening with the rash is that all of the crud stored in the fat is not being detoxified as it comes out of you.
Adding bile salts will also help decrease the rash and any itching that comes with it.
The next step is applying all you’ve learned so that you can do ketosis healthy and right and start burning that fat right off your body.